A Sicarii member allegedly assaulted a haredi IDF soldier in Beit Shemesh in what police say is part of a larger campaign against haredi IDF service and a potential haredi draft.
A previous haredi victim of Sicarii violence in Beit Shemesh
Sicarii Gang Member Allegedly Attacks Haredi IDF Soldier
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Yeshiva World reports that Israeli police in Beit Shemesh arrested a haredi man who allegedly assaulted a haredi soldier who serves in the Israel Defense Forces' Nahal Hareidi unit.
The 28-year-old suspect, identified only as “W” by Yeshiva World, is allegedly a Sicarii gang member. The Sicarii gang, also known as the Sikrikim, are headquartered in Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood but have expanded to other locations outside Mea Shearim in recent years.
“W” reportedly has refused to cooperate with police.
Police told the Magistrate’s Court that this was not an isolated incident. Instead, they claimed, it is part of a larger haredi campaign against haredi IDF service. They asked the court to remand “W,” but the court released him on bail anyway, ordering “W” to stay away from the soldier.
While Yeshiva World did not make the connection, “W” appears to be one of the Sikrikim who terrorized prepubescent Modern Orthodox schoolgirls they claimed were immodestly dressed. The Sikrikim spit on, chased and screamed at the girls, calling them “shiksas” and “whores.”
[Hat Tip: Burich.]