As the Monsey Vizhniter Rebbe strengthens his ban on Agudath Israel of America's Siyum HaShas ordered because Agudah is allowing two 'Zionist' rabbis to speak there, the Belzer Rebbe also reportedly orders a boycott of the Israel version of the Agudah event, altough his reasons for doing so are not yet clear.
Here is a new sign hung up today in Vizhnitz synagogues in America ordering hasidim to boycott the Agudah siyum. The one thing I have accomplished, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Monsey says, is that not one single Vizhnitz hasid will attend the siyum:
Here's a rough translation of the sign:
The Vizhnitzer Rebbe said:
"Tell the gabbaim [assistants; administrators] that they should announce on Shabbat in all batei midrashim [study halls, synagogues] that we should not go to the kinus (Siyum HaShas)."
The [head] gabbi asked the rebbe [in response], "Is it allowed to go [to the Siyum HaShas]? Or is going [to the Siyum HaShas] forbidden?"
The rebbe replied with the words:
"I said they [the gabbaim] should make the announcement. For those who want to understand, these words are enough."
[The Rebbe] then added that:
"I accomplished much because in Vizhnitz, nobody will go [to the Siyum HaShas]
not from us and not from Reb Yisroel [the hasidim of] [the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of B’nei Brak].”
Meanwhile, the Belzer Rebbe has reportedly also issued a similar ban (1, 2), but his reasons for doing so are not yet clear.
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