David Cyprys, who is indicted for the rape and child sexual abuse of 12 former students of Chabad's Yeshiva College in Melbourne, is allegedly welcomed by Gerrer hasidim – the same sect that protected indicted child rapist Avrohom Mondrowitz.
A source in Melbourne writes in about the prayer habits of David Cyprys, who is indicted for the rape and child sexual abuse of 12 former students of Chabad's Yeshiva College in Melbourne:
David Cyprys is davening at the Ger Shtiebel in Melbourne (many shules in Melbourne have banned Cyprys or asked him to go elsewhere, out of concerns for the safety of children etc)
Can you see the parallel with their (Ger's) attitude given […] Modrowitz?
Avrohom Mondrowitz, a Gerrer hasid from a prominent Gerrer family, allegedly raped more than 100 boys in Brooklyn. He fled indictment and settled in Israel where he has lived openly for the past 26 years. He fought off two extradition attempts, and potential child porn and academic fraud charges with the help of senior Gerrer leaders, including the last three Gerrer rebbes.