Rules for dealing with the Internet based on the new ruling by Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, the Shevet HaLevi.
First of all, note the politcal aspect to this.
In the top poster, released by Rabbi Wosner's assistant, Wosner is called the "Posek HaDor," the haredi halakhic authority of this generation, in what probably is a bid to wrest control of haredi leadership from Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman, who has held the position as haredi leader since Rabi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv became too ill to function in a leadership role earlier this year. Steinman is 99-years-old but fully mentally functional. Wosner is also 99. Elyashiv, who is in Sha'arei Tzedek hospital on a respirator and who is not fully conscious, is 102.
Wosner, who was a member of Eidah Haredit in Jerusalem before he moved to Bnei Brak many decades ago, is hasidic, and his son was judge on Satmar's London rabbinical court. Wosner's is accepted as a major halakhic authority by non-hasidic haredim. Steinman is not hasidic.
Wosner's handlers may believe that major hasidic courts like Gur will quietly back Wosner for leadership, even though each nominally considers its own rebbe to be the generation's leader.
Now note the subtle differences between the claims made in Rabbi Wosner's name between the poster released by his assistant, top, and the poster released by Ichud HaKehillos in New Jersey, the organizers of the anti-Internet gathering at Citi Field May 20th.
Wosner's assistant's version bans the Internet at home and bans all smartphones. The Ichud Hakehillos version allows smartphones under certain circumstances if filtered, and says home Internet should be "avoided," but does not ban it outright.
Ichud HaKehillos founder, Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb, allegedly owns part of a company that makes haredi Internet filters.
The Ichud Kehillos version released from Lakewood, New Jersey is called a "Takanat HaDor," a rabbinically ordered restriction for the entire generation to follow (also a rabbinically ordered restriction of the generation in the sense that we might say that Bob Dylan is the poet-singer of the generation) issued to protect Judaism:
[Hat Tip: Burich.]