Shmira street patrol member Yitzchak Shuchat is suspected of beating a black honors student, Andrew Charles, with a club in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn in April 2008. He fled to Canada and from there to Israel to escape justice.
Israeli court orders extradition to US of Brooklyn man in 2008 assault in Crown Heights
JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli court has ordered a Brooklyn man extradited to the U.S. in connection with an April 2008 assault on a black man.
Yitzchak Shuchat is suspected of beating Andrew Charles in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. The area is known for 1991 race riots between Orthodox Jews and blacks.
Thursday’s extradition order cites a U.S. request over the 2008 attack, alleging an unidentified man on a bicycle sprayed Charles with mace while Shuchat stepped out of an SUV, struck Charles with a wooden club and drove off.
Shuchat fled to Canada, then to Israel in May 2008. He was indicted in the U.S. on hate crime and other charges.
Police suspected the attack followed reports that black youths had pelted neighborhood homes with rocks.
Shuchat belonged to a Jewish street patrol group, the Shmira.
[Hat Tip: Seymour.]