An unmarried Orthodox woman claims she and her friends paid for a pro-polygamy ad in an Israeli Orthodox Zionist publication because their biological clocks are ticking loudly.
According to Mostly Kosher, the Israeli Orthodox Zionist website Srugim published this admission from "Sarah," a single 39-year-old Orthodox Jew:
"I'm a 39 year old religious single woman that is worried that she will soon no longer be able to be a mother. Two years ago, I enquired about sperm donation, but all my rabbanim rejected the issue, and I also felt it was a terrible thing for a child no to have a father.
According to Sara (not the real name) she was advised of a halachic solution of wedding a married man. Sara, brought up the idea to her fellow single and divorced female friends who are in a similar situation, and they set up a support group with the encouragement of Rabbanim. They joined forced with the organization "The complete Jewish Home" that provides advice and solutions on the subject of polygamous marriages.
Sara continues and explains that there are 27 female members in her "support group" in Jerusalem, all of whom are religious, religious light or chozrim Be'teshuva