Annals of Horrific and Idiotic Rabbinic Theodicy Part 2: Yesterday we heard from Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who said gay marriage and abortion caused the Leiby Kletzky murder. Now Rabbi Moshe Green, currently the rosh yeshiva of the Yeshivah D’Monsey, in Monsey, New York, and the former rosh yeshiva of the Skvere hasidic sect's main worldwide yeshiva in New Square, New York, jumps in with his own horrific ideas for why God allowed little Leiby Kletzky to be slaughtered and dismembered.
Here's a brief summary of what Rabbi Moshe Green said:
Moshe Green of Monsey, former rosh yeshivah in New Square, said yesterday at the gathering at Yehivah of Spring Valley (where many kids were molested over the years) that Leiby Kletzky a"h hy"d because a talmid chochom, Y. M. Weingarten was masered by rabbonim, and because we have Day Camps which is a goyish style.
Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) Weingarten was convicted in Federal court of raping and sodomizing his daughter over a many year period and of transporting her across international boundaries to do so.
Rabbi Green is upset because some rabbis did not protect this rapist from prosecution.
And he also thinks day camps are for goyyim, for non-Jews only.
And all that, my friends, is about as sick as a human being can get.
Related Post: Rabbinic Alliance Of America Spokesman: Gay Marriage And Abortion Caused Death Of Leiby Kletzky.