The PBS show The Story has three perspectives of the Agriprocessors raid, three years later: a worker, a community activist, and an attorney for undocumented workers.
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One of the biggest immigration raids in U.S. history occurred on May 12, 2008. Teams of immigration agents swarmed into a meat packing plant in the small Iowa town of Postville, and arrested close to 400 people. We hear from 3 voices today:
Rosa Zamora was working at the Agriprocessors plant and was detained, while her husband was deported. David Vasquez
David Vasquez is a pastor who has been integral in trying to help the community of Postville recover after raid.Lawyer Sonia Parras helped a series of workers after the Postville raid. Since that time she has set an unprecedented record for the number of U-Visa’s she has been able to obtain.
Music: Latin Guitar Improvisation, Spanish Guitar Folk Song, both performed by The Spanish Guitar Music Collection.
[Hat Tip: Neighbor Girl.]