Agudath Israel of America has received inquiries about a site on the internet featuring information about the organization and its activities. The site, started a few days ago without authorization by Agudath Israel’s recently appointed director of communications, was established with good intentions…
Agudath Israel of America has received inquiries about a site on the internet featuring information about the organization and its activities. The site, started a few days ago without authorization by Agudath Israel’s recently appointed director of communications, was established with good intentions, for informational purposes only,and with no interactive capacity. However, in accordance with a decision made years ago by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Agudath Israel has purposely not established a dedicated web presence. At best, it was premature for the new site to have been established, and it has now been removed pending further direction from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah.
Related Post: Agudath Israel Of America Has A New Blog.