These four questions remain the same from last year. This highlights our lack of progress, despite tiny cracks being made in the wall of silence.
Four Questions
These four questions remain the same from last year. This highlights our lack of progress, despite tiny cracks being made in the wall of silence.
Survivors of sex crimes are still enslaved because of the abuse that continues in their beds, in their bunks and in their basements. Survivors are still enslaved because their dangerous perpetrators are still at large in our communities. And survivors remain enslaved because of the lack of outrage from a rabbinical leadership that cares more about our image than our children. With a very minimal effort from our rabbinical leaders, so many lives could be saved.
Pesach celebrates our freedom from abuse. That explains why it is an especially painful time for all those who are still enslaved by it.
Next year may there be no need for these type of questions anymore.
Mah Nishtana: The Four Questions of Our Children, Some of Whom Are No Longer at the Seder
Why is the molestation and sexual abuse of children treated differently than all other communal issues?
1) In all other areas of halacha (Jewish Law), the highest level of tznius (modesty) and morality is enforced, but in this area of halacha - the rape and destruction of children is ignored.
2) In all other areas of kashrus, the highest level of reliability, certification and supervision is demanded, but in the sanctity of our children's own bodies - no serious nor expeditious regard is given.
3) In all other matters, Halacha as interpreted by the poskim is followed, but when poskim such as Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv, Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg and Rav Herschel Schachter give p’sakim urging survivors of sexual abuse to report their abusers to the police - these poskim are ignored and victims are vilified in favor of supporting the molesters.
4) In all other areas of a child's life, organizations fight and demand for their rights (e.g., lobbying for busing, textbooks, school lunch programs, tuition credits) but when it comes to the sexual abuse of children - some of the same organizations turn a deaf ear and lobby to protect the abusers of our children.
And a fifth question:
How many more Sedorim must we endure, how many more years must pass, how many more neshamas must we lose, before we are finally allowed to go Mavdous Lcheirus, from slavery to true freedom from our CHILDRENS' abusers?