"Molestation Issues and Reporting: Halachic and Legal Overview” to be held without experts. Only two Agudath Israel of America rabbis will speak. There will be no experienced prosecutor, lawyer, therapist, child advocate, or recognized rabbi-posek who will speak. The Jewish Board of Advocates for Children will protest the "cruel farce and hoax" and Agudah's continued "cover-up."
Eliot Pasik writes:
Sunday, May 15, 2011, Jewish Board of Advocates for Children will protest at the Brooklyn Marriott, while Aguda Rabbis Chaim Dovid Zwiebel and Shlomo Gottesman are publicly speaking to 500 orthodox professionals on, "Molestation Issues and Reporting: Halachic and Legal Overview.” The source of the problem will pontificate about the problem. What a cruel farce and hoax! There will be no experienced prosecutor, lawyer, therapist, child advocate, nor recognized rabbi-posek who will speak. The cover-up and obfuscation continue. And so will the protest. Its an outrage.