PMW needs your help. YouTube – a Google company – has closed down PMW's main video account - PALWATCH - for "violating YouTube terms of use", by supposedly propagating hate speech. Of course PMW does not promote hate speech, but exposes the hate speech of the PA and the Hamas, in order to bring about its elimination.
Dec. 19, 2010
YouTube closes down PMW account
p:+972 2 625 4140 e: [email protected]
f: +972 2 624 2803 w:
PMW needs your help. YouTube has closed down PMW's main video account -
PALWATCH - for "violating YouTube terms of use", by supposedly propagating
hate speech. Of course PMW does not promote hate speech, but exposes the
hate speech of the PA and the Hamas, in order to bring about its
YouTube stated that the account was henceforth terminated "due to repeated
or severe violations of our Terms of Use" and they specified the following
PMW videos from Palestinian sources, promoting the killing of Jews:
1. "Hamas TV teaches kids to kill Jews" formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 10/02/2009.
2. "Jews are a virus like Aids" formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 01/18/2010.
3. "Farewell video before suicide attack of Hamas suicide bomber Adham Ahmad
Hujyla Abu Jandal" formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 06/10/2010.
4. "Hamas suicide farewell video: Jews monkeys and pigs; Maidens reward for
killing Jews" formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 08/14/2010.
5. "PA cleric: Kill Jews, Allah will make Muslims masters over Jews"
formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 12/12/2010.
6. "Hamas suicide terrorist farewell video: Palestinians drink the blood of
Jews" formerly at
Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 12/15/2010.
PMW urgently seeks to have this account reopened, since some of these videos
have accumulated hundreds of thousands of viewings and the exposure is
critical to our ongoing work.
If any of our subscribers could help, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Itamar Marcus
Google / YouTube has a history of this type of censorship, from blocking IDF videos showing precision strikes against terrorist targets to blocking Michelle Malkin's videos and marking them private without her permission. The New York Times Magazine even caught Google clearly lying about what it had done to Malkin.
Google also drops publishers and advertisers without notice, accusing them of violations of Google's policies – violations that often do not exist.
I have a friend whose website was dropped from Google's ad program because, Google claimed, he was practicing click fraud (clicking on the ads on one's own site to make more money). Google's 'proof' for this was the site's traffic dropped on Friday, stayed down through the weekend, and then picked up again on Monday, week after week.
The site is an Orthodox Jewish website. It has fewer readers Fridays and Saturdays because of the Sabbath. It also does not publish new material on Saturday or Sunday – hence the reduced traffic.
These facts did not stop Google from unilaterally dropping the site from the program.
Google regularly destroys businesses and destroys lives while 'enforcing' its policies, and does so without granting the people it damages any form of redress.
At some point, the government is going to have to investigate Google and, perhaps, break its near monopoly.
For those of you who wonder why J for J and other Christian missionary ads show up with alarming regularity on mainstream Jewish websites, but anti-missionary and anti-J for J ads rarely show up anywhere, or why IDF videos are censored, or Michelle Malkin videos are censored, or why PMW videos are now censored, look no further than Google's executives, who play fast, loose and unfair with the truth.
[Hat Tip: Yair.]
Update 8:40 am CST – According to this email forwarded to be by the Other DK, YouTube has reinstated PMW's account:
Thanks to everyone!
PMW wants to personally thank our subscribers and supporters.
In response to your many actions - your emails to You Tube, your blogs, tweets, op-eds, and calls to Google - as of this morning the YouTube "Palwatch" account is once again functional.
Much thanks to everyone.
Itamar Marcus
But despite Marcus's letter, not all PMW's individual videos are reinstated. Here is an example sent in by Yair of one that is not: