The Jerusalem District Court sentenced 35-year-old Michael Naky, who was accused of trying to stop the 2007 gay pride parade in the city by setting off a makeshift explosive device, to six months community service.
Community service for man who set off bomb during pride parade
Aviad Glickman • Ynet
The Jerusalem District Court sentenced 35-year-old Michael Naky, who was accused of trying to stop the 2007 gay pride parade in the city by setting off a makeshift explosive device, to six months community service.
The judge accepted the plea bargain between the defendant and the prosecution.
I don't recall the specific details of this case, but what type of country would give a man who risked the lives of so many people, and who committed an act of terrorism, a sentence of 6 months community service?
Imagine if it had been a Jewish Pride parade and the bomber was an antisemite or affilated with a terrorist group. Would he have been sentenced to community service?
Of course not.
This bizarre sentence goes hand-in-hand with other bizarre sentences, including similarly light sentences for settlers who instigate violece against Arabs, and haredim who are violent toward police or toward non-haredim, like the Women of the Wall.
In so many ways, Israel is a broken country.
[Hat Tip: CS.]