A Monsey Insider writes:
The powers of the dark overlord are coalescing into a black cloud over the Kol Yaakov yeshiva even while I'm writing this.
On Friday afternoon two men walked into the Kol Yaakov yeshiva in Monsey, posted a court order on the door and put padlocks on the office doors.
The court order dictates that Rabbi Nachman Kramer, a close personal friend of Leib Tropper who owns the Beis Yaakov of Ramapo girls school, is to run the Kol Yaakov yeshiva from here on out, and that Rabbi Moshe Raice is no longer to represent the yeshiva in any way, even though he is still a trustee of the yeshiva.
Updates are expected shortly.
UPDATE 10:40 pm CST – A Monsey Insider continues:
The Monsey Rabbis who served on the ad hoc Beis Din, set up in order to deal with the Tropper scandal, have filed a lawsuit in Rockland County Supreme Court to remove Leib Tropper from any of the yeshiva bank accounts pursuant to his written resignation in early February.
This past Friday, Tropper filed a counter lawsuit, and Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger spoke to the Judge on behalf of Tropper saying that he (Schlesinger) is one of the senior Rabbis of the Monsey community, and has issued a dictum (p'sak) that the entire written agreement between Leib Tropper and the Rabbis of the Beis Din is not valid, as the Rabbis involved are "dishonest".
The Judge sent sheriffs to lock up the yeshiva offices, make known the desire of the Judge that, as per Tropper's request, Rabbi Nachman Kramer is to oversee the day to day functions of the Kol Yaakov yeshiva and to issue a restraining against Rabbi Moshe Raice until Leib Tropper is fully reinstated as the Dean of the yeshiva (Rosh Yeshiva), and trustee thereof.
One of the Rabbis told me that they are currently writing and "plan to issue a strong defamation letter against Tropper and plan to make a machoh (protest), first in writing, against Tropper's accomplice, Rabbi Schlesinger, sometime this week."
Updates soon to come.