…Shorai Emunah [m]embers received information about a policy regarding convicted or admitted child sex offenders.
It should be an example copied by every shul in Baltimore, not to mention Ner Israel Rabbinical College and other Jewish schools.
The policies are the following:
1. “Shomrim (guardians) will be identified who will be asked to discreetly and confidentially monitor convicted or admitted child sex offenders while they are on the premises of YISE.
2. Gabbaim will be requested to avoid offering kibbudim (honors) and offers to act as shaliach tzibur to convicted or admitted child sex offenders.
3. Civil and criminal consequences will be left to the proper authorities. Unless indicated by the Rabbi, other actions regarding the individuals will be left to the Highest Authority to judge and to punish.
4. Should the Gabbaim err and offer one of these individuals a kibbud at a service, individuals with knowledge of the mater are asked to show derech eretz and demonstrate to others and our children proper public behavior. The gabbaim can later, privately, be reminded of the shul’s policy.
5. Convicted or admitted child sex offenders may not attend YISE youth events or the youth minyan.
6. Any family hosting a convicted or admitted child sex offender is to notify the YISE president 48 hours prior to the person’s visit.”…