Rabbis let haredi women work at Intel
Amid ultra-Orthodox campaign against electronic chip maker, group of haredi women starts working in company's plant in Jerusalem, having secured rabbis' authorization. Ynet learns women sought rabbis' advice on whether to relinquish job, got halachic permit to work
Elad Tene • YnetRabbis and haredi instructors in Jerusalem gave their authorization over the weekend to a group of ultra-Orthodox women who wish to work in Intel's hi-tech plant, Ynet has learned.
The women began working on Sunday in the midst of the 'Shabbat war' conducted by the haredi public against Intel's policy of holding business on weekends and joined an existing group of Ultra-Orthodox women already employed at the company.
In recent years the electronic chip maker has been incorporating haredi women employees in its plants, mainly in 'testing' positions. The women participate in a short training course and are immediately assigned work while Intel provides them with special conditions adapted to the ultra-Orthodox way of life.
On Friday, just two days prior to the arrival of an additional group of women in the Jerusalem plant, the new applicants informed Intel managers that they may relinquish their intended positions due to the haredi protest.
It was eventually agreed that the women would consult the matter with their rabbis, including leaders of prominent haredi communities in the capital, and follow their instructions. Sunday saw the women reporting for work explaining that they received the rabbis' public and halachic authorization.
A source in Intel expressed his frustration Monday with the intensity of the ultra-Orthodox campaign last Saturday and noted, "Intel is a company which champions equal opportunities with the aim of incorporating as many different sections of society into the workforce in order to open opportunities to all sectors of the population."As part of this effort the company is going to great lengths to incorporate the ultra-Orthodox public in an appropriate working environment, and even briefs employees on how to handle themselves in a sensitive manner with new the haredi female workers."
Kobi Nahshoni contributed to this report.
[Hat Tip: Seymour.]