ADL: LaRouche followers spreading Nazi health-care imagery
By Eric Fingerhut · JTARemember that woman who asked Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) about a "Nazi" health care policy and got asked what planet she was from? The Anti-Defamation League has a new report out finding that she and others who have been comparing the president to Adolf Hitler are followers of longtime conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche:
LaRouche, 86, has a long record of advancing conspiracy theories linking the AIDS crisis, the drug epidemic and international financial crises to prominent Jews and Jewish organizations. For many years, LaRouche has employed Holocaust imagery to express his opposition to a wide range of political issues.
Since May 2009, LaRouche and his network of supporters, many of which are part of the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC), have focused on health care reform, producing signs, banners, pamphlets and other items that employ Nazi imagery, including the Hitler comparisons.
In a May 4, 2009, LPAC statement, LaRouche described the Obama administration's health care proposals as "Nazi stuff…We're looking for what is the difference between President Obama and Hitler on health policy. We've done a lot of research, and we've not yet been able to discover the difference."
In his publication, Executive Intelligence Review, and on his Web site, LaRouche consistently refers to the reform proposals as "Hitlerian" and "genocidal" and almost exclusively refers to the proposal as a "Nazi health plan." In August, LaRouche said Obama is "impeachable" because his health care proposal is based on "cost-effectiveness criteria--exactly the infamous 'T-4' policy imposed by Adolf Hitler in 1939."
The ADL's report points to a number of recent incidents at town-hall meetings this month involving LaRouche followers:
"August 17, 2009 – A woman identified by the LPAC Web site as a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement held up a picture of Obama with a Hitler mustache at a town meeting in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and asked Congressman Barney Frank, "Why do you continue to support a Nazi policy?"
August 17, 2009 – LaRouche supporters held signs of Obama with a Hitler mustache outside a Congressional town hall meeting in Dallas, Texas.
August 6, 2009 – LaRouche supporters protested a town meeting in Romulus, Michigan, holding up a poster of Obama with a Hitler mustache. The several hundred attendees of the meeting, according to an EIR article, went "wild with approval" at the sight of the sign."
The full ADL report, entitled "Lyndon LaRouche, Holocaust Imagery & the Health Care Debate," can be read on the group's Web site here.
And the sad thing is that so many mainstream Republicans fell for this racist junk, and that others – like Fox News – promoted it.