But does Chabad's PR agree with the truth?
Statement By Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters
(lubavitch.com) Regarding recent comments made by Rabbi Manis Friedman in response to a question posed by Moment Magazine, we vehemently disagree with any sentiment suggesting that Judaism allows for the wanton destruction of civilian life, even when at war.
In keeping with Jewish law, it is the unequivocal position of Chabad-Lubavitch that all human life is G-d given, precious, and must be treated with respect, dignity and compassion.
Statements and opinions expressed by individuals do not necessarily reflect the position of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Lubavitch World Headquarters is the only office authorized to speak on behalf of the movement.
Let's see what the Tanya says about non-Jews:
"The souls of non-Jews come from unclean kelipot [sources, lit. "husks'] which contain no good at all…"
--- Likutei Amarim Tanya (commonly known as the Tanya) at the end of Chapter 1, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad-Lubavitch, whio is also known as the Baal HaTanya and the Alter Rebbe.
As I wrote earlier, what Rabbi Manis Friedman said I heard several times from and many other times from other Chabad rabbis. I heard this in Chabad synagogues, Chabad Houses, private homes, yeshivas and in 770 Eastern Parkway.
And the late Rebbe's views on Israel were nearly identical with Rabbi Meir Kahane's.
Chabad can spin this as much as it wants, but that does not change the truth.