Haredi Passover-specific products prices soar as chicken prices drop.
In Brooklyn, a 5 lb. bag of kosher-for-Passover Domino sugar sold from $2.79 to $3.69, while Gefen, CRC, and Lieber’s sugar sold for as much as $6.99 a bag, depending on the store and the certification. The same held true for a 7 oz. can of coffee. Under its own label, the price for kosher-for-Passover Taster’s Choice ranges between $7.49 and $9.99. On cans which feature an added certification, the price jumped to as high as $14.45 per container. Other brands like Maxwell House, Elite, and Lieber’s were even cheaper than either Taster’s Choice option at most Brooklyn stores.
Surprisingly, the price for quartered chicken remained fairly static from February to March in Brooklyn, with prices hovering near $2.69/lb or slightly higher. Some stores even dropped their prices by as much as 50 to 70 cents per pound in March. Queens residents saw a 40 cent per pound increase in three of their major stores, with a much smaller per-pound increase in the Five Towns…
Chicken prices stayed even or dropped, something Agriprocessors-Rubashkin shill and "industry expert" Menachem Lubinsky did not tell you in his Kosher Today columns lamenting the so-called kosher meat shortage.
What's more, it is clear that so-called "heimishe brands" have hugely inflated prices. Many of these carry haredi kosher supervisions that do little, if any, actual supervision. They are more like seals of approval rather than certificates of inspection.
Here's the entire article from the 5 Towns Jewish Times:
Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and Mr. Alexander Rapaport of Masbia Soup Kitchen have joined forces to draft a religious ban prohibiting Passover price gouging in the Orthodox Jewish community. This decree, known as a kol koreh or a public pronouncement, is not a new phenomenon in the religious Jewish community. There is a great deal of precedent in Jewish law for rabbis to issue edicts against monopolies or other situations which are deemed spiritually reckless.
Signed by 30 prominent rabbis, this kol koreh employs strong language. The edict states (translated from the Hebrew), “Now before Passover, especially when the economy is so bad, we are reminding people of the Jewish law concerning monopolies.” The rabbis further caution store owners to have mercy on the consumer all year around, but particularly at Passover when there is so much need. “And it is forbidden to take advantage of market prices before the holiday and to raise prices without a justifiable reason,” warns the decree.
In addition to the edict, Hikind has secured commitments from major distributors to sell Passover items at or below cost. Golden Flow, Mehadrin Dairy, Ahava Foods, and World Cheese Co. Inc. (Ha’Olam) have all agreed to maintain their year-round pricing for Passover. Reisman Bakery and Materna (the Israeli baby formula and food company) have each announced a 15 percent discount on all their kosher-for-Passover products.
These distributors are among those praised in the ban by the rabbis. “We were happy to hear that some stores and manufacturers listened to the poor in our community, and have either brought down prices or agreed not to raise them. The Al-mighty should bless their efforts and people should learn from them and replicate their actions.”
In explaining his reasoning behind the need for this ban, Hikind said, “I do not begrudge any store owner from making a living. I am just asking owners to have compassion and not to take advantage of people just because they can get away with it. I am hoping those who determine the prices will adhere to the kol koreh.”
Unlike many rabbinical decrees where rabbis’ names are added without their perusal or consent, this kol koreh was read and signed personally by each rabbi listed. Following is the list of rabbis who have affixed their names to the ban: Rabbi Moshe Freidman, Satmar Dayan; Rabbi Yechiel Mechil Steinmetz, Skver Dayan; Rabbi Shlomo Gross, Belz Dayan; Rabbi Yecheskel Roth, Karlesburg Rav; Rabbi Yitzchok Stein, Foltishan Dayan; Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Friedlander, Liske Rav; Rabbi Avrohom Friedlander, Hivnover Rav; Rabbi Pinchas Shulom Hager, Viznitz Rav; Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rosenberg, Viznitz Dayan; Rabbi Shrage Favish Hager, Kosov Rebbe; Rabbi Moshe Fogel, Ger Dayan; Rabbi Elye Fischer, Ger Rosh HaKollel; Rabbi Yakkov Miller, Eizenshtater Rav; Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Schteinwurtzel, Matei Efrayim Rav; Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, Neitei Gavriel Rav; Rabbi Chaim Eluzer Freidman, Tenke Rav; Rabbi Aron Glick, Kameniz Rav; Rabbi Chaim Yeshuah Konig, Yokeh Rav; Rabbi Moshe Menachem Weiss, Pupe Dayan; Rabbi Yechiel Kaufman, Sfardish Shul Rav and executive director of BPJCC; Rabbi Yakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe; Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, Emunas Yisroel Rav and mashgiach of Torah Voda’as; Rabbi Yakov Yisroel Rubin, Brizdovitz Rav; Rabbi Psachaya Fried, Bnei Yisroel Rav; Rabbi Shulem Yosef Chaim HaCohen Fried, Krasne Rav; Rabbi Aron Wieder, Linzer Rav; Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Bik, Nachlas Moshe; Rabbi Bezion Hacohen Strasser, Nitre Dayan; Rabbi Gershon Tenenbaum, Linben Hights Rav; and Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Rosh Yeshivas Beis Meir, Rav of Telzer Minyan.
As part of his ongoing campaign to fight Passover price inflation, Hikind’s office also conducted a survey over the last six weeks to determine if store owners are capitalizing on consumers in one of the worst financial climates in recent history. Basic Passover items such as sugar, coffee, and quartered chicken, among other products, were surveyed.
In Brooklyn, a 5 lb. bag of kosher-for-Passover Domino sugar sold from $2.79 to $3.69, while Gefen, CRC, and Lieber’s sugar sold for as much as $6.99 a bag, depending on the store and the certification. The same held true for a 7 oz. can of coffee. Under its own label, the price for kosher-for-Passover Taster’s Choice ranges between $7.49 and $9.99. On cans which feature an added certification, the price jumped to as high as $14.45 per container. Other brands like Maxwell House, Elite, and Lieber’s were even cheaper than either Taster’s Choice option at most Brooklyn stores.
Surprisingly, the price for quartered chicken remained fairly static from February to March in Brooklyn, with prices hovering near $2.69/lb or slightly higher. Some stores even dropped their prices by as much as 50 to 70 cents per pound in March. Queens residents saw a 40 cent per pound increase in three of their major stores, with a much smaller per-pound increase in the Five Towns.
“My advice to every consumer shopping this Passover is ‘buyer beware,’” said Hikind. “While it may be inconvenient to patronize several different stores this Passover, the overall savings will definitely add up.”