I am the mother of…
…one of [Rabbi Baruch] Lanner's victims. Anyone who suggests that there should be rachmones on the adult perpetrator of a crime against a child and even has the slightest suggestion that whatever circumstance or behaviors in the frum world can/should explain such abominable behavior - should come explain their reasoning to my son and share with him how their rational makes sense. Please, you do it - I can't.
When did we decide as a frum society that we - adults - are not responsible for the choices we make? "Reasons" and "rationales" and explanations" and "possibiliteis" are all mere excuses. Either this is a crime or it is not. Either it is acceptable. Or it is not. Either we tolerate it ...or we don't. When did crossing a line become ok to the point that OTHER adults can look away and not take responsiblilty - not protect a child? When did Jewish life become so perverse that many ravs can know ...and none speak up? None of those in the know willing to put the welfare of a child ahead of hurting the reputation or parnasa of a fellow rav? The old boys club to be protected? How does their conscience allow them to look fellow Jews - anyone - in the eye and allow others to maintain respect for them - knowing what they know? What does it say about them? And what about those rabbis who stand behind them, protect them, defend them, excuse them, and sheild them? Those who deflect the complaints of the chidlren? These men who will protect a pervert but not protect the welfare and innocence of children? When did davening and shuckeling become more important than the welfare of our children? Pikuach nefesh...save a jewish soul??? So how do we as a Jewish community actually define "frum" or observant" or Orthodox? Is it only in Keeping Shabbat? Adhering to kol isha stringently? Does it include hurting our children??? Can these different elements possibly be combined? Please, someone explain to me...when does one no longer qualify to be considered observant - and therefore not be acceped in the community? Lanner and his ilk are lepers of a sort...they willingly and voluntarily pass their disease onto vulnerable "others" - defenseless children. And we should treat him as the leper that they ares and isolate them...not harbor them. I am eager to hear a rational for this behavior from those who believe there is one - then tell it to my son.
While these sick people...should they go to jail, can get counseling at the expense of the citizens...(and when the get out - go on with their lives) who covers the expense of the counselling for the victims??? How do you give back innocence? Who helps a child cope with his new rav...the one who may look like, resemble, talk like the perp and brings back a flood of memories making concentration impossible? Grades go down. Whose responsible? Who reimburses the parents for time lost from work, for heartaches, for new family dynamics with a child who now acts out??? Who, out here, who feels any rachmones on the perpetrator has the same or MORE rachmones for a kid who now no longer trusts adults? Hates rabbis? And no longer wants to be Jewish. Families can be totally distrupted. Please...those out there who have suggested there are explanations and reasons...come talk to my son.
This should prove to be an interesting conversation!!!!!!!!!