In the previous post, I documented Google's censorship of…
…Israel Defense Force video of the Gaza war.
The IDF started a YouTube Channel, which was promptly censored.
It turns out the Multinational Force In Iraq has its own YouTube channel. But, despite graphic videos like the one posted above, Google-YouTube does not censor it.
Watch the above video and and you clearly see Iraqi men being killed.
Google has not posted a warning screen on the MNF-Iraq channel's home page and none is displayed when videos like the one above are clicked on. No requirement is made to log in and prove that your 18 years old or older before viewing.
Conversely, Google has given the IDF channel a warning screen and a requirement to log in and confirm your age is 18 or older.
Google-YouTube treats the MNF-Iraq Channel like news, but it treats the IDF channel like porn.
Update: Google-YouTube pulled the warning screen for some IDF videos but added the warning screen for new ones. IDF videos still treated like porn.