Jeff Abbas of KPVL Postville Radio arranged an interview with Menachem Brook…
…Agriprocessors' Poultry Production Manager.
Brook told Abbas and Channel 7 that:
1. The conditions of the bankruptcy do not allow Agriprocessors to make any decisions.
2. Agriprocessors prefers that the first use of funds be to issue paychecks.
3. Agriprocessors is "anticipating" Sunday production.
This is a daily question for everyone," Brook said. "Nobody knows what to do until the trustee makes decisions." Brook then reiterated, "We want to make payroll first. As soon as we know anything, we will let you know."
Brook was told there are reports of new workers applying at Agriprocessors (I heard about a busload earlier today, but could not confirm that) and was asked if the company is recruiting new workers.
Brook replied, "To my knowledge, we are not advertising for workers."
Brook's final statement was, "The paychecks will be issued based on the trustee's decision."Regarding
Jeff Abbas asked, "Are you saying the paychecks could be as late as Sunday?"
"No, no, no,'" Brook said. "As soon as the trustee makes the decision, we will make the paychecks."
I've been told the trustee should be in Postville Thursday and Friday. He will then go back to the court in New York for approval of his plan. That should happen Monday.
So there is a very real possibility paychecks could be issued, but probably not until early next week.