Blogging over at the Daily Kos, Lynda Waddington has written and posted a detailed…
…timeline of the misdeeds of Agriprocessors and the Rubashkin family.
Show this to supporters of the Rubashkins and ask them to explain years of lies and crimes. And then show it the OU and ask them how it stood by during most of this and, not only did nothing to stop it– it defended the Rubashkins.
And do not accept innocent until proven guilty as an excuse.
First of all, the vast majority of these are proven and guilt is certain.
Secondly, thee is a halakhic concept of presumption. When a pattern is established, guilt is presumed. A serial criminal is not viewed the same way buy a beit din (religious court) as a first time offender.
Why did the OU and so many other Orthodox Jewish organizations from Young Israel to Agudath Israel ignore all this evidence?
Time – and perhaps some further indictments – will provide us, I believe, with the answer.
Until then, the old adage rings true: Follow the money.
Daily Kos_ Timeline_ The Rubashkin family, owners of Agriprocessors in Postville.pdf