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In 2004, after these horrific violations of Humane Slaughter law were exposed by PETA, the OU promised…
…to stop what it called the "procedure."
In 2007, PETA caught Agriprocessors doing the same procedure in its Nebraska plant, using a smaller meat hook this time and with no trachea excision. Under USDA pressure, Agriprocessors promised to stop doing it. The OU parsed words and tried to claim the meat hook used wasn't really a meat hook.
Now, PETA has caught Agriprocessors again, and the abuse this time is horrific, nearly as bad as…
What you see above is a non-Jewish worker hacking at the open throat wound of cattle 5 seconds after the shechita cut has been made.
Temple Grandin is calling for 24/6 supervision through Internet video so we can all see what Agriprocessors is doing, and PETA has a petition urging that.
We need another petition and we need it now.
The OU has consistently lied. The OU's "CEO of Kashrus" Rabbi Menachem Genack must be fired immediately, along with Rabbi Seth Mandel, its head of shechita, and Rabbi Moshe Elephant who went to postville and participated in the whitewash perpetrated by Rabbi Pesach Lerner and Rabbi David Eliezrie.
As for Rabbi Lerner, his complete lack of credibility should now be clear to all. The National Council of Young Israel should take the proper and necessary actions to restore confidence in its leadership. There is a door. Rabbi Lerner should be forced to use it.
Chabad's sometime spokesperson Rabbi David Eliezrie has a long history of lies. Chabad likes those lies and will do nothing to sanction him for them.
But you can.
If you currently pray at a Chabad House, stay away this Shabbat and tell your rabbi why. If you can do it, turn this Shabbat into forever. And if you donate to Chabad, stop immediately. You may like your local rabbi. But he works for the same people who refuse to stop Eliezrie. Make them pay.
As for the Bush USDA, it's corrupt. What happens on the video is a clear violation of Humane Slaughter law. This is a repeat violation, the third exposed in four years.
Congress should hold hearings on the the USDA, its repeated failures, and its clear desire to protect big agribusiness from penalty.
Let the stain of the USDA's ineptitude and corruption land where it should – on the legacy man who presided over it all, Geroge W. Bush.