As you probably remember, we broke the story. Agriprocessors PR firm, 5WPR impersonated Rabbi Morris Allen and other Agriprocessors critics. It also left dozens of sockpuppet comments meant to make Agriprocessors look good.
Today, almost two months later, 5WPR apologized. It really isn't much of an apology, but here it is:
We understand that you have received the attached unauthorized internet, email, or blog communications designed to appear as if they were sent by Rabbi Morris Allen and Hekhsher Tzedek. Neither Rabbi Morris Allen or Hekhsher Tzedek authorized or sent these comments. Rather, an individual at 5W Public Relations posted these communications without Rabbi Allen or Hekhsher Tzedek’s authorization or approval. We apologize for any damage this may have caused.
Thank you.
So 5WPR apparently escapes a potentially devastating lawsuit by issuing a very weak apology on the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend.
Pretty pathetic.
And, even though 5WPR says, "We understand that you have received the attached unauthorized internet, email, or blog communications," no such "communications" were attached.
Also note 5WPR has not yet admitted to or apologized for impersonating John Diamond from JVNA, or Yochanan Lavie. And it has not apologized for or admitted the dozens of other sockpuppet comments it left here and on other websites.
You can't get more lame than this.
Yet the Hechsher Tzedek people apparently withdrew their potential lawsuit based on this 4 sentence farce. This does not bode well, I think, for Hechsher Tzedek's future.
The post the broke the story.
The post that broke the story 2.
5WPR index page.