A group of Rabbinical Council of America rabbis will "inspect" Agriprocessors later this week. The "inspection" has been arranged by paid Agriprocessors flack Menachem Lubinsky and clearly is taking place with the full knowledge and participation of Agriprocessors management, as…
…Yudel Shain reports via email:
This week, the RCA will have a 15 hour extravaganza that was orchestrated by Lubinsky.
They will fly out a group of Rabbonim who will inspect the Agri plant and return to NY, all within 15 hours.
I have the following questions before they go there -
1) Does Rubashkin know that they are coming? I know, the OU knows, the RCA knows. What preperations will take place before they come? What song and dance will they see?
2) Who is coming? What knowledge do they have of shechita, nikkur, melhicha, meat butchering, OSHA, labor laws, immigration laws, etc??
Are these pulpit Rabbis that have to rely on others to pasken sheylos on nikkur and shechita or are these mashgichim that have years of experience in the field, knowing how to use a knife to break down a piece of meat, not just looking over someone's shoulder.
Intelligent minds want to know........
The RCA is a wholly owned subsidiary, so to speak, of the Orthodox Union. The OU has a large dog in this fight, and it has consistently protected Agriprocessors despite Agriprocessors' guilt.
What will these RCA rabbis do?
Like Shlomo Riskin, they will support the home team.
In the rabbi business, truth takes a back seat to power everyday, all the time.
[Hat Tip: Steve.]