Agriprocessors' spokesman, 5WPR Senior Vice President Juda Engelmayer did it. Proof…
Please click images to enlarge.
The IP address is
It is thesame IP address I noted as the second IP address associated with fraudulent comments left here on (If clicking on the image doesn't give you a clear, enlarged view, please go to original post and view the image there.):
Here it is in PDF:
This means one of two things: This 5W "intern" has been spending way too much time over at Engelmayer's house or, more likely, Engelmayer is that "intern."
JTA piece on the Engelmayer email / IP.
The post that broke the story.
Agriprocessors / Rubashkin mistreatment of workers and related issues.
Rubashkin / Agriprocessors index page.
Previous 5W Scandal Posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.