The sockpuppet comment was left on the main post on the Le Marais scandal. Le Marais is a 5WPR client, and 5WPR's Senior Vice President Juda Engelmayer was the man in charge of the Le Marais account.
Here is what Engelmayer did.
He left the following comment in support of Le Marais under the name "Gilad Weinreb":
It occurs to me that the mere fact that Le Marais is open Pesach means that its kitchen, dishes and facilities will be kashered - likely Saturday night. Meaning, the kosher kitchen will be a newly kashered kitchen and, under the two current mashgichim, the food and preparations are being watched; likely with even greater concern than ever before given the controversy.
Le Marais will be reborn and the place will be brand newly kosher - again.
Posted by: Gilad Weinreb | March 29, 2007 at 08:23 PM
(All times shown are US Central Time.)
Here is a screen shot of that comment. Please click to enlarge:
In the entire history of this blog, only one other comment matches the IP used to leave "Gilad Weinreb's" comment. It was left on a contest post asking reader's to name their top five favorite Jewish short stories. Here it is:
The Chosen - Chaim Potok
Tevye der milkhiker - Shalom Aleichem
World of Our Fathers - Irving Howe
Jewish Wisdom - Joseph Telushkin
Night - Elie Wiesel
One for Good Luck:
The Bialy Eaters - Mimi Sheraton
Posted by: Juda Engelmayer | May 29, 2007 at 10:48 PM
Here that is as a screen shot. Please click to enlarge:
Here is the proof both comments came from the same IP address. Please click to enlarge:
Here that is as a PDF:
Engelmayer Sockpuppet Comment 3-29-07.pdf
What say you now, Juda and Ronn?
[Hat Tip: steve, who noticed the "Gilad Weinreb" comment and was sure it was left by Engelmayer. He was right.]
The post that broke the story.
The post that broke the story, part 2.
Agriprocessors / Rubashkin mistreatment of workers and related issues.
Rubashkin / Agriprocessors index page.
Previous 5W Scandal Posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20.