Allegedly, Gal Investments, a Postville landlord that may have connections to Agriprocessors management and the Rubashkin family…
…has told tenants to leave immediately if they cannot pay their rent on time. Allegedly, Gal claims more tenants are on the way to town.
This may be a way of forcing potential witnesses against Rubashkin to leave town, or it may simply be greedy business.
The tenants don't have the protection of the normal eviction process (not that the normal eviction process affords all that much protection) because, presumably, the tenants who suddenly are unable to pay are illegal workers and their families, now hiding out from federal and state law enforcement. UPDATE 5-28-08 7:40 PM CDT:
The town’s largest landlord, GAL Investments, rents 130 apartments, duplexes and houses for about $450 to $800 per month. Almost all of the tenants are Guatemalan or Mexican immigrants who work at the plant, said Theresa Fravel, the office manager.
Any information on Gal Investments would be much appreciated. Readers?
UPDATE 5–28-08 7:30 PM CDT: Gal Investments is owned by a Gabey G. Menahem – and he's a Chabad hasid. Anyone know who he is?
[Hat Tip for the 5-28-08 updates: Aaron.]