Rabbi Weissmandel, the head honcho of Rubashkin's rabbis, says he knows the government's allegations against Rubashkin are false.
No meth lab on premises. No duct taping a worker's eyes and beating him with a meat hook. No extortion. No fraud. No company-run identity theft aggravated or not. All these allegations and more are absolutely false, Rabbi Weissmandel claims.
Why does Rabbi Weissmandel "know" this with "certainty"?
Let Ben Harris of the JTA tell us:
…“I categorically say it’s false, it’s not true, it’s a lie,” Weissmandel said. “I have my rabbis supervising 24/7. We supervise every inch of that place in order to be sure that the place is totally kosher.”
I asked if there might be an area of the plant where workers eat or get changed that is not supervised as scrupulously as the places where the meat is produced. Weissmandel acknowledged that there is such a place, but that it didn’t escape the hawk-eyed scrutiny of his rabbis.
“There is a lunch room over there where the workers eat, and changing room,” Weissmandel said. “My rabbis, the supervising rabbis, have instructions to go inside there every so often just to make sure everything is ok over there.”…
I wonder if Agriprocessors' toilet paper carries a Supreme Kosher hechsher?