This is still an unconfirmed rumor, so take it with a large grain of salt. I've been told by a normally reliable source that…
…a daughter of Aaron Rubashkin, the one who runs the Florida kosher food distribution company, fled the country.
Supposedly, the tactics she used to strong-arm accounts into dropping Empire and other non-Rubashkin brands crossed the legal line into criminality.
These tactics are said to include things like telling stores if they wanted to carry Rubashkin red meat – which she was selling at heavy discount – they could only get it if they also exclusively sold Rubashkin chickens – no Empire, etc., allowed.
With the Feds apparently hot in pursuit of her father and brothers, and being herself at, it is thought, grave risk of indictment, she ran.
Is this true?
As I said, I'm not sure.
If you've seen her recently, or if you know anything about her strong-arm tactics, please let us know.