Ha'aretz (still only in Hebrew) is reporting the woman arrested yesterday for physically abusing many of her 12 children and for not reporting rampant incest among them, is the leader of the Ramat Beit Shemesh-based burka women cult.
And then…
…Rafi G has a gust post on Dov Bear that seems to confirm this:
…But now I have just come into more information. The woman arrested, it turns out, was none other than Rabbanit Bruriah keren, herself. The founder and leader of the group. So the group is not just an eccentric group with on sicko as a member. the group is rotten from the core.
BTW, this information has been confirmed by my source - he confirmed it with her neighbors and with the police.…
But Rafi G has more about this truly evil woman. Guess who her son-in-law is?
…[H]er son in law is Binyamin Friedman - the leader of the kannoim in [Ramat Beit Shemesh] B that have been the source of all the violence in the past. The question is if the expose revealing all that she has done will now put a damper on Friedman's activities, and the support he has had from the local Rabbonim of the Eidah [Chareidis] and of the even more extreme Rabbonim...
And Rafi G also reports what he read in an Israeli newspaper:
…[The newspaper] spoke with the 17 year old son. This son related that he had had sexual relations with a number of his sisters, and his younger brother did as well (including with an 8 year old sister). [Another news report with a different take on the incest is here.]
One of the daughters said "My brother had relations with me. But also, my brother had relations with my other brother as well. Basically everybody had sex with everybody."
But that is not the kicker. There is worse. Worse than a mother who beat her children with rolling pins and heavy objects. Worse than a mother who 'didn't see' rampant incest.
What could be worse?
The rabbis:
The 17 year old son [told the newspaper] that he had wanted to reveal what was going on, so they sent him to the Rabbonim (to ask permission, I guess). The Rabbonim told him he is not allowed to tell anyone.
The Chafetz Chaim 'wins' again.
Previous posts: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 & 6. (Yesterday's post is #6)
If anyone wants to translate the Ha'aretz piece, please do it and post the translation in the comments section below. Thank you.