That's right. You favorite rabbinic nut jobs, the self-appointed so-called Sanhedrin, has issued another 'halakhic' ruling.
And it all makes perfect sense, just like…
…KKK websites and conspiracy theorists do, to themselves. The 'logic,' if you can call it that, is completely internal.
Ynet reports:
The self-appointed Supreme Judicial Court of the Jewish People, also known as the Sanhedrin, passed down on Thursday a halachic ruling which calls to exempt women from army service and expel those who have already been recruited.
The ruling comes just two months after three religious soldiers belonging to a Yeshivat Hesder (program that combines advanced Talmudic studies with military service) were jailed for refusing to participate in a class given by women instructors.
According to the Sanhedrin rabbis, by integrating women into mixed army units the IDF is surrendering to "political and ideological demands".…
The ruling stated that "rabbis and parents will not send their sons to an army that recruits women to mixed units. There is no place for any flexibility and compromise (in this matter).
The Sanhedrin's ruling also mentions the IDF's "failures in the battlefield", stating that the establishment of mixed units has resulted in a "disruption of the conscience"."There seems to be a connection between the inability to make the distinction between the genders and the inability to make the distinction between friend and foe. Both of these characterize the post-Zionist army, which deems such distinctions racist," the ruling stated.
Is Rabbi Adin (Steinsaltz) Even-Yisrael still the president of this looney bin? If he is, you have to wonder how his next book will sell after this ruling is publicized.