Ha'aretz has a fawning profile of Chabad's 'chief rabbi' of Russia, Berel Lazar. The profile fails to mentions Lazar's disgusting medal episode in Auschwitz, the recent lessening of his power, or dozens of other questionable actions (like this, yesterday) Lazar has taken over the years, including the deals that led to his rise to power.
True, the profile does…
… mention some Lazar issues, but it does so without interviewing any Lazar critics.
The only 'interview' is with Natan Scharansky, who is asked only about Putin's feelings toward Jews, not about Putin's anti-democratic policies or the recent election that outside observers have called rigged.
And not one mention of Putin's policy toward Iran, Lazar's support of that policy – a policy Israeli defense officials say endangers Israel.
Is this the best Ha'aretz can do?
Not by a long shot, as this comprehensive report proves. Perhaps Anschel Pfeffer and his editor should take some time to read their own newspaper before they publish articles that are truly embarrassing.