Both Lipa Schmeltzer and the now-canceled Big Event's producer, Sheya Medlowitz, were interviewed tonight on Zev Brenner's Talkline Radio Network show.
Here's an mp3:
Download medlowitz_schmeltzer_22708.mp3
Summary: The rabbis are holy. They were misled by askanim (community "activists"). The rabbis were wrong - but not really. Lipa and Sheya might get their money back. Or maybe not. Not all concerts are banned. Many may be, though. Lip caved to pressure. Hundreds of thousands of charity money (tzedaka) might now be used to pay Sheya, Lipa, etc. rather than help poor people or reduce the cost of Jewish education. It is a terrible mess. But the rabbis are holy.
Feel free to vomit whenever the urge strikes.
[Hat Tip: MamashRadio.]