The Jerusalem Post mentions the names of the two men behind the Lipa Schmeltzer-concerts ban. One we've mentioned here already is Asher Friedman of Nechomas Yisroel. The other is…
… Rabbi Avrohom Schorr, the son of Rabbi Gedaliah Schorr.
You may have missed this because the Jerusalem Post misspells Schorr's name as "Shor." The post also misspells Schmeltzer as "Shmeltzer."
Rabbi Schorr is a very right wing haredi rabbi in Flatbush, described to me by a friend who knows him as someone who could just as easily be a rabbi in Williamsburg.
Avrohom Schorr's brother, Yisroel S. Schorr, is a rosh yeshiva at Ohr Somayach in Monsey, NY and an editor of the ArtScroll Talmud.