You may have problems leaving comments. If you get a warning that your comment was flagged as spam, send me an email (failed dot messiah at comcast dot net) so I can – hopefully – find the comment and retrieve it for you.
TypePad installed a new spam filter a few months ago. In my experience, it worked poorly, letting obvious spam post with alarming frequency. (My favorite? Comments from Dr. Horny with urls like www.hotandhorny[name a sex act, perhaps carried out with an animal].com and comments like "I luv hot AnaL". You have to be one inept spam filter to miss comments like that.)
Recently, TypePad beefed up the spam filter.
The spam filter on steroids now snares your comments – and mine, as well – without regard to how many previous comments you left or if the "offending" IP address belongs to the blog owner himself. Worse yet, TypePad does not notify blog owners when this happens – we have to check our newly created spam folders. In practice, I would have to do this every half hour, 24/6, to deal with this problem, and that's not gonna happen.
Hopefully, this bug will be fixed today or tomorrow. In the meantime, if you get a spam warning and your comment does not post, send me an email. I'll do my best to find your lost comment and post it. Just realize I'm not online 24/6, and it may take a few minutes – or even a few hours – for me to deal with it.
shmuel, PishPosh, Lev, Netanya, Tibi, myself and several others had comments blocked yesterday by this insane spam filter.
I apologize for inconveniencing you.