Ynet quotes MK Zevulun Orlev of the National Religious Party:
According to MK Orlev, the [Knesset] committee recently received complaints from different groups wondering why the government's decisions to bring the remainder of the Ethiopian Jewry to Israel were not being implemented, and demanding that the state comptroller look into the issue.
Orlev argued that "the government's decisions to impose quotas for the immigration of Ethiopian Jews remind me of the White Paper. There were no quotas in any immigration, apart from that of the Ethiopian Jewry.
"I have been involved in this issue for many years, and I stand ashamed before those engaged in this activity, as I have no answers regarding the State's conduct in terms of this issue, which is the heart of the State of Israel as a Jewish state."
Orlev added, "Rabbi Amar ruled in the past that Ethiopia's Jews are complete Jews and that there is no doubt that it is a commandment and a duty to save them and bring them to our country, according to the acceptable examinations. My impression is that the Israeli governments have completely failed here."
Ynet also reports that State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss will look into the government's refusal to complete the aliya of the remaining Falash Mura in Ethiopia.