Case 1: An older Chabad rabbinical student molests a younger, teenage Chabad yeshiva student. The older student has a position of authority, the younger does not. When the abuse becomes known, the older student gets therapy and is pronounced "cured." He marries and is given a position of responsibility in Chabad – teaching teenage boys.
Case 2: A Crown Heights rabbi molests a twelve year old yeshiva student and allegedly has continued to molest others. He still has his position of authority and free unsupervised access to teenage boys.
Case 3: A Chabad rabbinical student anally rapes a younger yeshiva student. He allegedly goes on to anally rape others, mostly in California. This man now lives in Israel and is part of a Chabad community there. No action has been taken against him by Chabad.
None of these molesters were turned over to the police. Some victims did get counseling, although it does not seem that Chabad paid for this. Other victims, many others, it seems, have never received help.
What should be done about this?
I should add I have now been told of other cases. This saddens me greatly. For the past year and a half, I clung to the idea that, at least when it came to molestation and coverups of it, Chabad was better behaved than the rest. I told this to several shluchim and to others. But I was wrong, it is not so.