I was fifteen. He, the older mashpia-bochur - me, the young naive lesser religious, grossly convincing me as my mashpia not to run after chix and to study with him and become really really close to the rebbe…he did this b’tur mashpia mitam hayeshiva. He was 20.
The other rabbi, Rabbi Dovid Wakser of Crown Heights did it first when i was 12 1/2. I am forgoing here a fifty thousand dollar settlement since he is still molesting teenagers- as I saw the young ones when I came to pick up the check.
I made a mistake, since in both cases they are in situations where they are still hurting others.
I can’t press charges, since I signed a settlement that prevents me from doing so. I am now forgoing that settlement- in the amount of 40 thousand dollars.
I don’t want money. I want them exposed.
One more thing: I will not remove this post when phone calls are made for exchange of cash.
I will not be bought.
[Hat Tip: Tzemach Atlas.]