How much of a shill for neo-Stalinist thug Vladimir Putin is Chabad's "chief rabbi" of Russia, Berel Lazar? Well, today President Bush gave a much anticipated speech sharply critical of Putin's Stalinist policies and his disregard for human rights and freedom. Interfax, the "news agency" that shills for Putin, conveniently reported this story today:
Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar told President Putin about a plan to set up a Russian Jewish museum, a Museum of Tolerance.
The head of the state has promised to give this initiative not only moral but also financial support, from his personal funds at that.
'For a few years we have discussed the establishment of a Russian Jewish museum, a Museum of Tolerance. Now the need has become ripe. The aim of this museum is to educate the younger generation for tolerance and respect for one another", Rabbi Lazar said.
The chief rabbi stressed that the situation in the area of inter-ethnic and interreligious relations in Russia is good today. "Whenever I speak in the West, I always say here is an example of how it is possible to live in peace with other religions", he said.
"This is a good idea", Putin replied, "I promise to transfer my monthly salary to the fund for building this museum".
Rabbi Lazar express the hope that "may be, others will follow your example".
"Many will wish to support such a project", the president said, "as it is aimed to help all the confessions to live in peace and accord, and this is exactly a strength of our multinational and multiconfessional country".
Never mind that the Simon Wiesenthal Center's museum has for many years been called the Museum of Tolerance. Here is another example of Chabad and Lazar providing cover for Putin and his regime.
This must cease. If Chabad cannot find a way to remove Lazar, then we all must find ways to remove Chabad wherever they are from the Jewish community dole. Cut them off, no matter how nice. Cut them off even if they claim to be opposed to Lazar.
Either do it or be responsible for the great evil that will soon come from Moscow.