Rabbi Dov Lior, the rabbi of Kiryat Arba is an ethically challenged individual. Never has this been more clear than today, when Rabbi Lior issued a ruling regarding refugees from Darfur who have fled to safety in Israel. First, Rabbi Lior's ruling:
Israel must not allow Darfur refugees into its territory or enable them to stay in the country, Kiryat Arba's rabbi Dov Lior said in a halachic ruling published on Arutz Sehva's website Wednesday.
"We are not currently in a state of peace. We are in a state of war, surrounded by enemies, and we don't know whether tomorrow they (the refugees) will join those who hate us," Rabbi Lior said. "Therefore, the State of Israel must not allow such a thing."
The rabbi added that the fact that Sudan fought against Israel during the War of Independence in 1948 was another reason why the refugees should be rejected.
Jews fleeing Nazi terror should not be allowed in Palestine, Britain or the US because Germany is an enemy state, we are all at war with Germany, and these Jews may one day turn against us.
Support Lior? Fine. Then also support the British Mandate authority and the Roosevelt Department of State.
Isn't Lior from a Chabad family? Does anyone know? Tell us in the comments. It would certainly make sense, given the Tanya's racist attitude.
I tried to find Rabbi Lior's ruling on the English-language Arutz Sheva website, but could not find it there. It's only up in Hebrew. Now why would that be?