Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon has ordered all Lakewood kollel members to give up their cellphones. Chaptzem reports:
Now Kollel Yingerleit in Lakewood will have to use a payphone to call their wife at work. HaRav Matisyahu Solomon has instated a ban on all cellphones in the Kollel. At a Schmooze to the Yeshivah he said that any Yingerman that was found carrying a cellphone would be thrown out of the Kollel immediately. He said that the recent tragedies that took place in the Yeshivah were a sign that improvement was needed and abolishing cellphone use by Kollel Yingerleit was a good start.
Rabbi Salomon is the midget who, among other travesties, spoke of sweeping abuse cases "under the carpet." This midget meant cases "successfully" handled by gedolim like himself. Of course, at best that "handling" only leads to the abuser relocating to another city or neighborhood to abuse there. At worst – which is often the case– the abuser stays in place and continues to abuse while pygmies like Rabbi Salomon attack the victims. May God save us from leaders like this.
[Hat Tip: A woman who feels the rabbis are all male minded.]