The Conservative Movement has voted to ordain gays. The Union of Traditional Judaism, the more traditional offshoot of the Conservative Movement, responds (via email, so no link):
"The Conservative Movement's decision to issue contradictory opinions on homosexual behavior should confuse no one. The only opinion that really matters is the one that endorses gay commitment ceremonies and the ordination of professing homosexuals as rabbis.
“In keeping with a decades-old pattern on a host of issues, the Conservative view which breaks ranks with Jewish law and tradition is the one which ultimately sweeps the movement. Given this reality, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards would have been more forthright had it acknowledged a blanket reversal of the biblical prohibition on homosexuality. Its endorsement of same-sex commitment ceremonies and the ordination of homosexuals while ostensibly maintaining the traditional ban on anal sex is not only disingenuous. It is ludicrous.
“Our hearts go out to the dwindling corps of traditionalists who until now have remained within the Conservative Movement. Any fig leaf of commitment to Jewish law within their institutions has now been utterly stripped away.
“The issue of homosexual behavior in Jewish life is complex not because there is any doubt whether it is clearly prohibited by the Torah, but because Judaism also teaches compassion for human beings struggling with their contending impulses. The Union for Traditional Judaism has addressed that complexity with an approach which is honest, caring, and faithful to Jewish law. In contrast, the Conservative Movement has once again finessed the tradition to give its abandonment of Jewish law a patina of Jewish authenticity. Let no one be fooled."
Rabbi Bruce Ginsburg, President; Rabbi Ronald Price, Executive VP; Union for Traditional Judaism
I haven't read the Conservative teshuvot on this yet. But I will say this – maintaining the biblical ban on male-male anal sex while approving of other forms of homosexuality is neither "diseingenuous" or "ludicrous." Gays are born, not made, and they need companionship, closeness and sex just like the rest of us do. Judaism needs to come to grips with that.