Elliot Pasik, who worked with the RCA on its Clergy Abuse resolution and is also close to haredi leadership writes:
The Torah demands a justice system. Tsedek tsedek tirdof... Its incumbent upon the Jews and the umos ha'olam. Might there be occasional error? Of course, but G-d tells us to establish courts in any event.
The child sex abuse literature I have read indicates that the vast majority of reported cases are true. I recommend, Salter, "Predators". Where false accusations do occur is in the age range below 5 or 6, where toddlers can be coached by social workers and psychologists hired by DAs. That's what happened in the Mass. case, the one I think Tal Benschar is referring to. I'm unfamiliar with the NJ case.
Every case of child sex abuse allegations that I've read about, or have become personally aware of, made by frum children, has been true, in my professional opionion.
Other than the criminal justice system, which will put a sex offender on the government registries, there is no mechanism in the Jewish world for barring violent and sexual offenders from our schools. So there are no "other ways" to handle this situation, as Tal Benschar writes, and when it has been attempted in the past, there have been tragic results -continued child abuse in other school venues.
I've been adocating for a yeshiva/day school-wide mechanism for several years, and it has not been done, and based on Aguda's Thursday night session, I do not expect it will be done. It is apparent that far greater Government oversight over the nonpublic schools is required.
Elliot Pasik, Esq.
But haredi political influence gained through block voting and Agudath Israel have consistently blocked this governmental oversight. It will take criminal indictments of rabbis who cover up abuse to change anything. And that cannot come soon enough.