Rabbi Dov Lior has ruled that it is forbidden to enter a reform synagogue to pray or to join in life-cycle events. For some reason, Ynet thinks this is groundbreaking, when in truth, this is the baseline most Orthodox rabbis hold to. The only real groundbreaking point is the proscription against entering a reform synagogue even to greet a newly married bride and groom after the ceremony, or the like. Most poskim experienced in these issues – and Dov Lior is certainly not one of them – allow this type of entry in order to allow families to remain close, for sholom bayit, so to speak. That Lior is foolish enough to ignore this – or, more likely, arrogant enough to have issued a ruling without doing due diligence – is the true hidush here. Except that wouldn't be a hidush, now would it?
[Hat tip: Sheyna Rofeh-Filosof.]