Leap of Faith
©Shmarya Rosenberg
A child
would not cross empty streets
without looking
or talk to strangers,
no matter how inviting.
He grew up.
He opened his gates
just a little
and they entered,
these men in black,
priests of ba'al in the clothing
of Maimonides,
and he walked with them
slowly at first, then faster and
faster still,
deceived by their charms and
the talismans of their lies,
until he stood with them at the edge,
too far to cross.
"We will fly as our forefathers
to the other side," they said.
And as they watched, so he did,
jumping into unknown air,
arms flailing,
deep in the void,
dashed on the rocks,
grasping for the promises of men
looking down
who themselves
would never
have taken