Rabbi Gil Student notes that he refused to run an ad for Sam Harris's new atheist book, and that refusal made yesterday's Wall Street Journal as part of an article on the book's promotion. Harris is a strong spokesman for atheism, and his arguments directed against Christianity also work very well against another religion – Orthodox Judaism – so it's no surprise Student – who regularly bans comments and commenters who challenge Orthodoxy – would ban Harris, as well.
This week, I also turned down an ad, not for Harris's book, but for Oorah, the haredi missionary* organization. I did so because of Oorah's questionable fundraising tactics. (Please scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and read upward. This post will be at the top, above the other Oorah posts.) Perhaps that will get media attention one day, although I doubt it.
[Hat Tip: Sheyna Rofeh-Filosof.]
* I label Oorah missionary because it targets children below the legal age of consent.