Rabbi Teichtal
Ariel Sokolovsky has sent a link to online versions of Eim HaBanim Semeichah, the book written during the Holocaust by Rabbi Yissoscher Dov Teichtal. Rabbi Teichtal was a leading anti-Zionist close to the Munkatcher and Satmar Rebbes, who saw with his own eyes the destruction and death caused by that theology. He in his own terms repented, and wrote this book to stress the importance of settling Eretz Yisrael.
While the book is a classic much studied in Modern Orthodox and Religious Zionists circles, it remains largely unknown in the haredi world.
I don't have the time to search through the online editions, but if you do, look for the section where he describes Hungarian rabbis telling their congregations that Hitler, yshv'z, will not get them because we are anti-Zionists, and God will protect us in the merit of our anti-Zionism.