The judge in disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff's Florida trial received dozens of letters from Orthodox rabbis and community leaders in support of Abramoff, pleading for the most lenient sentence allowable by law. The judge complied. The Forward has excerpts from some of these letters. Most interesting is this quote from "noted" constitutional expert and Rubashkin attorney Nathan Lewin:
Nathan Lewin, a prominent Washington attorney, wrote that he was impressed that Abramoff supported the money-losing kosher eatery "at great financial sacrifice just so that Jews would have a place where they could dine in comfort."
Lewin recently claimed that Rubashkin had done no wrong, no animal cruelty took place at AgriProcessors, and that the USDA only acted because of incitement from PETA, who Lewin had previously tried to link to Nazis. In calling for leniency, Lewin focuses on Abramoff's glatt kosher deli.
Abramoff defrauded Indian tribes of millions of dollars. His emails depict Indians as stupid, almost subhuman.
Abramoff stole money from people who have little and gave it to people who have much. Abramoff is an anti-Robin Hood. Sadly, Nathan Lewin and Abramoff's rabbis are his band of Merry Men.